Références & Réalisations
Mes références
Master en Gestion du Patrimoine Immatériel de l’Entreprise (Major de promotion)
Qualified Patent Information Professional (QPIP N° 80 / 2019)
Présidente de la Confédération Européenne des Professionnels de l’Information Brevet (CEPIUG) de 2018 à 2021
Vice-Présidente du Club Francophone d’Information Brevet (CFIB) – Association partenaire de l’INPI (Office Français des Brevets) depuis 15 ans
Membre du PIUG (Patent Information User Group – USA)
Intervenante formation/coaching pour plusieurs offices de brevets dont l’INPI (France) et l’OMPI (Monde)
Chargée de cours à l’Université de Saint-Etienne pour le Master « Data Science et Management de l’innovation »
25 Mai 2022
Je connais Muriel Bourgeois depuis plus de 15 ans. Nous étions originellement collègues chez Thomson/Technicolor où j’étais Directeur du Développement Europe de la division Brevets & Licences (« Intellectual Property & Licensing » ou IP&L) alors qu’elle dirigeait déjà le service central d’informations brevets du groupe (veille PI et concurrentielle, patent search and mining, etc….) Nous avons rapidement construit une relation de confiance et de collaboration fructueuse : au-delà de sa compétence technique et de son remarquable professionnalisme, Muriel maîtrise l’ensemble des problématiques stratégiques de la gestion et de la valorisation des portefeuilles d’actifs PI (brevets, marques, dessins et modèles, savoir-faire, logiciels, bases de données). Elle allie à une éthique irréprochable et à une exigence permanente d’excellence un sens profond de la collaboration transversale entre les fonctions de l’entreprise impliquées dans la P.I.
Nos échanges professionnels se sont régulièrement maintenus après nos évolutions de carrière respectives (passage chez Nestlé pour Muriel, création du cabinet Winnotek pour moi-même). Muriel m’a offert l’opportunité de partager certaines des expériences de Winnotek (valorisation de technologies innovantes, stratégies de PI, transferts technologiques, montage de projets collaboratifs) avec les membres du CFIB (Club Francophone d’Information Brevets) au Directoire duquel elle participe de longue date.
Aujourd’hui j’ai pleine confiance dans la capacité de MT-IP Consulting à faire prospérer ses clients grâce à l’expertise que Muriel leur propose, et je constate déjà l’existence de synergies entre nos deux entités pour servir efficacement, en combinant nos compétences, les progrès des entreprises Françaises de toute taille dans la création, la maîtrise et la valorisation de leurs actifs de Propriété Intellectuelle.
Philippe SIMON – Directeur Associé, Partner
10 rue de Laborde, 75008 Paris, FRANCE
+33 (0)6 09617248
Interview avec RightHub
Février 2022
For this week’s Community Spotlight feature, we are in Southwest France, to meet with Muriel Bourgeois-Tassanary, founder and CEO of MT consulting. Muriel has worked in IP for nearly 3 decades, in many different aspects of IP, with a focus on patent information, intelligence and analytics. She is a former President of CEPIUG (Confederation of European Patent Information User Group), and Vice-President of CFIB (French speaking Patent Information Group), she plays an active role in Patent Information Education before QPIP, the French Patent Office, and Universities.
RH – After a career of which was spend mostly with very large companies like Nestle and Technicolor, what made you start MT Consulting?
MT – My principal driver was my desire to share the knowledge of IP – and the many different aspects of IP that I have been involved with and have acquired during my career specifically with a section of the innovative community that does not really understand IP, nor is well-served by the large service providers. So, I am talking about SME’s, sole proprietors, inventors, start-ups, etc.
RH – I think that is an admirable goal, how’s it going so far?
MT – Pretty well I would say. I teach university courses, I am involved with a local BNI group (Business Network International) – a professional network of entrepreneurs who are sharing referrals founded in US in 1985, and began to act as an independent consultant for INPI (French Patent Office) IP Master Classes.
I am trying to deliver content and training that is different from that which, e.g. large search companies or the patent offices would provide. I give content that reflects the reality of a start-up or SME which is often time and resource poor. It is about providing pragmatic, useful advice with results like operational pictures that can be easily understood by those without a massive background in, or knowledge of IP.
RH -I am sure you have seen some changes in the tools you have used over the years, what has been the impact of this?
MT – Ha – that’s an understatement. When I started, we loaded CD-ROM’s with the latest patent information on local pc’s! We have moved from classical Boolean searching to semantic searching, now including AI and Deep Learning. This has mean that for us professionals in the industry we have had to adapt and employ a different mindset to that which we had previously. We now need to report to many different people in different roles, with different areas of interest and different knowledge of IP. I liken it to be a Swiss army knife – we have to pull out one facet, one tool to meet one particular need, then another different tool to meet another need. It’s about being adaptable. Having said that, I think that these are very interesting times with many very useful tools more accessible to users. I try to equip them to be able to make the most of these tools, to navigate IP landscapes to further their aims.
Thank you Muriel.